There is something special about spring, and its more than just the weather. Especially so in this present moment - there is a time sensitive grace that is being made available, for the budding of new things that just can't wait any longer.
Due to the time sensitive nature of this article, I needed to get it out as soon as possible, so I won’t keep you here very long because we need to take action. This message I bring by the spirit of God, to the sensitive believer (skeptics always most welcome), led by the spirit and not by the flesh, tuned to the frequency of heaven such that you have discerned (through developed spiritual senses, devices and instruction) that this present season we are in is anything but ordinary. And you are right, because heaven is in a hurry.
Why does heaven hurry?
In my studies on the subject on what exactly is going on in the spirit, and why now, the spirit of God opened up to me more than I certainly expected - for good reason, I can be sure. Yes, we never study scripture alone because, though wide-eyed and zealous, we will most surely miss the mark. Spiritual knowledge exists and is communicated in the spirit realm, spirit to spirit, but our minds are part of the soulish or intellectual realm.
Here's what I found.
Heaven hurries to deliver and preserve God's people:
"This is how you are to eat it: with your cloak tucked into your belt, your sandals on your feet and your staff in your hand. Eat it in haste; it is the LORD’s Passover." - Exodus 12:11
Let's begin with one of the more popular deliverances in Scripture, the saving of the nation God called to be his own. One of the first things students of the Jewish Exodus notice is how God seemed to take his time to “convince” Pharaoh. It’s interesting because God told Moses that he himself had made Pharaoh stubborn, so in reality Pharaoh was only a pawn to show forth God’s wonders before the Jews said a very certain goodbye to Egypt. How often does the devil think he is really doing something big out here, but he’s only just a pawn for our good? Very very often. But my point here and throughout this section, is really the haste that follows when the stage is set, and the time of the Lord has come.
“Now therefore, send quickly and tell David, saying, ‘Do not spend this night in the plains of the wilderness, but speedily cross over, lest the king and all the people who are with him be swallowed up.’ ” - 2 Samuel 17:16
For David and his people here, who were being tormented by the pain of David's own son trying to usurp his throne and seeking his life (how awful), that deliverance came in the form of timely counsel planted by God, to turn the counsel of David's enemy into foolishness. David remained one step ahead of the plans of his son-enemy (terrible, really) until the day this enemy was defeated. Like all the others before and after him. Divine speed sets us comfortably ahead of our enemies and naysayers - and keeps us there.
“And the maiden pleased him, and she obtained kindness of him; and he speedily gave her her things for purification, with such things as belonged to her, and seven maidens, which were meet to be given her, out of the king's house: and he preferred her and her maids unto the best place of the house of the women.” - Esther 2:9
I really enjoyed this part of the lesson, being a personal Esther fan-girl myself. Esther’s is a story of how God can raise up an asset for his use from just about any station and rank in life. "For his use" here is important, because we understand that God answers prayers and is good and kind, but he really only responds out of Kingdom necessity. Perhaps I will revisit that in a separate post, so we are not sidetracked. Esther won favor so quickly I bet her own head spun from the turn of events. To her, it might have seemed like divine providence, but God was raising a savior quickly, because an enemy of the Jews was also rising in secret.
Heaven hurries to fulfill the demand of an appointed time:
This part of the lesson seemed to be all about Ezra, and the redemption of the Jews (general theme being that God does not play about his people, even when we seem to play about him). Ezra was a priest raised in the Babylonian captivity of Judah. The fact that he was raised a priest with a heart true and for the Lord , even in captivity far from homeland, is not a fact to be glossed over. The people of Judah had no more land and were only a fraction leftover (thanks to their own wickedness really), yet the remnant continued in the ways of God because they had known them to be the ways of wisdom - and God was with them, even then.
In fact, the Babylonian captivity timeline - and its end - was prophesied to the people many many years before their siege and capture. Perhaps if they listened to the prophets they would have averted the captivity altogether. God himself kicked them off their promised land (just like the people before them) so the land could Sabbath (rest) from their wicked ways (interesting topic for another day - Read 2 Chron 36:21). But I suppose lessons had to be learned:
““Thus says the Lord to His anointed, To Cyrus, whose right hand I have held— To subdue nations before him And loose the armor of kings, To open before him the double doors, So that the gates will not be shut:” - Isaiah 45:1
How in the world Prophet Isaiah caught the exact name of the King that would deliver Judah from a captivity that didn’t begin until 75 years after his prophecy, and didn’t end for another 70 years, will never cease to amaze me. It is so important to hear God. His word awaits only its appointed time:
“Then Tatnai, governor on this side the river, Shethar-boznai, and their companions, according to that which Darius the king had sent, so they did speedily. And the elders of the Jews builded, and they prospered .. according to the commandment of the God of Israel, and the commandment of Cyrus, and Darius, and Artaxerxes king of Persia.” - Ezra 6:13-14
These were Persian kings, unbelievers through and through, doing the work of God. Because the Word of God goes forth with the power to perform it. At the appointed time, it’s important to note that there was a man to stand for the people. These were a displaced people needing guidance, and as much as God would send divine help, favor and unfathomable speed, most often it comes in form of a man like we are. Cyrus who wasn’t even a believer or a Jew, released the first decree, and his successors backed up the Jews when they faced challenges. Ezra, Nehemiah, Zerubbabel and all these fantastic men also rose as leaders to help steer their people into the will of God
Heaven hurries to interrupt evil [man-made] processes:
This was an interesting one for me, especially with the recent happenings in many countries around the world. I myself, am a citizen of two: the superpower of the western world, and the giant of Africa. In both these structures, there is vast evil that seems to be burning hotter by the day, burning down the security of so many lives. If it isn’t corruption in politics with evil men at the head of governments at all levels, it’s the willful approval of murder by placing weapons of war in the hands of deranged people with ease.
Heaven is in a hurry, because even with all the technological advances mankind is making, our society is quite obviously falling apart.
“Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.” - Ecclesiastes 8:11
Ecclesiastes was written by a fallen Solomon (sometimes I wonder if it was all those wives, I mean 1000 women? - crazy) so I often read his more depressing statements in this book backwards. This does not apply to all of Ecclesiastes, but take a read with discernment and you will understand. Statements made in depression are more often than not, twisted backwards. That is one of the main goals of the spirit of depression - to make us use our tongue as a rudder (James 3:4-5) to steer our lives away from God's plans.
Here, Solomon laments that evil is only able to do the most right now, because heaven has not answered speedily. So I can surely deduce that the idea is, heaven moves speedily to interrupt the processes of evil men. This is not in isolation to the other points we’ve learned; this speed is still within the context of the appointed time, and for the purpose of the deliverance of the people that love God.
“Oh, do not remember former iniquities against us! Let Your tender mercies come speedily to meet us, For we have been brought very low.” - Psalms 79:8
This psalm reminds us that a lot of the evil positions mankind finds itself, is a product of its own doings. The psalmist does well to remember that, asking for forgiveness perhaps in the order of Daniel, who even being as humanly righteous as possible, sought repentance for his country consistently by humbling himself as one of the sinners. We know now that heaven is always on time, but we must come humbly to receive. Blaming God for our circumstances is unwise, revealing a gulf sized gap from truth and humility. But God detests the proud, and gives more grace to the humble (James 4:6).
Why is the grace for 'divine speed' available right now?
According to the Hebrew calendar, we entered the first month of the year, the month of Nisan or first fruits, on the 23rd of March 2023.
Nisan usually falls around the end of March and runs through April. I share here in many blogs how important Hebrew culture is in understanding the culture of heaven, because the Hebrew culture is the only one downloaded from God after Abraham disassociated with his nation and started the nation of God, a nation of Faith.
It is no coincidence that this time falls in spring, which is a bringing forth. Even more so, the greatest bringing forth we celebrate is that in which the Son of God was raised from the dead bringing us forth from darkness into his marvelous light (Resurrection Sunday - Easter is a pagan holiday with the bunnies and all that).
This is a season of change, and nothing that is put forth for change in this season can ever remain the same - it must be made new.
Even more so when heaven has an agenda it must meet. Just like seeds are planted in the ground in spring, we know that when they grow they will be changed never to be the same seed, but now a seed-bearing tree.
Unfortunately, Christians are usually the first crop to neglect this season. Yes Catholics practice lent and I was raised Catholic, so I do know the drill. I still practice and love many aspects of the Catholic (Universal) faith handed down to us, and I know many other members of the Body recognize Lent. In Lent season we are encouraged to give something up, and 99% of the time, we go right back to those things (social media binging, TV addiction, overindulgence etc.) once the period is over. This to me, is ineffective.
This season is not about putting things in the ground only to dig them up in a month - now that’s just poor farming. It should be about things dying that need to stay dead, so that better things can live.
How to maximize Spring and the power of Resurrection
FASTING | Matthew 17:21
This one is obvious. In this same season, the witches are fasting and practicing consistently because of Solstice, and the Muslims are fasting and praying corporately because of Ramadan. Every spiritual practice is attuned to the energy of Spring, and the Christian’s are.. giving up TV and sugary treats for a few days? Not good enough. Important points very quickly:
A consecration or giving up something, is not a fast (I'm looking at you "Daniel fast-ers". Daniel fasted in that same book, and his consecration (avoiding the delicacies of the world) was not that. Fast = food, period.
Fasting is the only way to die, or to kill a thing - physical or spiritual - without killing the vessel. I can't wait for my post on fasting because you have to see what even doctors are now advising their patients to do for healing.
Fasting generates supernatural speed, most surely. In Isaiah 58 (the book of law on fasting, pretty much), it says:
“Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.” - Isaiah 58:8
The fact is that if the witches and Muslims are doing something Christians have been heavily advised (even commanded by Jesus) to do, then it’s power is obvious to all sides - and the most powerful spiritual things are. As many religions and practices realize the power and potential available in a season such as this, let us be the first partakers of our own birthright. Because, believe it or not, fasting is like gravity: it works for everyone regardless of religion. It is one of the highest forms of sacrifice. Recall when God told the Israelites that they would win a particular battle, and then the king of the opposing nation sacrificed (killed) his own son and heaven turned against Israel? I will leave it at that.
“And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”" - Luke 18:7-8
I just love the Godhead three (Father, Son and Spirit), and how in sync they will forever be. That's real relationship goals. Some couples can't even agree on breakfast. It’s beautiful how Jesus spoke consistent with the Father here, after all He is the only one begotten (one that comes out of the belly of another) and not created like we are. Verse 7 here reminds me of that verse in Habakkuk where God says “though it tarries, it will not tarry” - where the first tarry belongs to the wisdom of man, and the second is the Wisdom of God. He is never late, as late as he might seem to our limited understanding.
What does Jesus mean by "find Faith on earth"?
Every time Jesus remarked to have found faith was because he was requested or entreated for help or understanding (as in the case of Nicodemus). Prayer is quite literally that entreatment of God wherein our faith is defined. But God is not seeking just our faith but that of others. Which means that we must be as burdened and invested in winning souls to Light, as we are for personal salvation. Our families, friends and all who encounter us should leave us burdened for salvation to spread like wildfire. Can I give you a secret to our Father’s heart?
TIP: Fast, and pray for others while you do, and you will see exactly what God is able to do for a man. It's like when Jesus says "hitherto you have asked for nothing in my name.." - it means you may think you have seen, but you haven't seen anything yet.
Final Thoughts
The Body has discerned through prophetic voices, and personal pressings-in, that a revival is upon us. Like anything heaven does, the latter outpouring - this one we’re pressing into right now - will be greater than the former. Revival is not a day, it’s a process wherein the heavens are turned from sealed brass to open doors. Which means that communication is ongoing: prayers go up quite easily, and so answers come down. What we are experiencing now is the birth pangs of that Revival: and we must labor into it. For as soon as Zion travailed (in labor), she brought forth. These are those kinds of days the prophet Isaiah spoke of by the spirit:
“Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion was in labor, She brought forth her children.” - Isaiah 66:8
In the preceding verse Isaiah says that before she was in labor, she gave birth. Thus the birth had already happened in a dimension (verse 7) before the actual labor and birthing was a reality (verse 8). Imagine if Zion decided labor was too scary and hard before she even tried, not knowing that heaven had pre-released power for ease? And I tell you - that word has been released today. This (whenever it is you read these words) is the season for the word of ease and for divine help. For we are the inhabitants of Zion, the heavenly Jerusalem and company of the Firstborn (Jesus).
“But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all.. to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling ..” - Hebrews 12:22-24
Probably my favorite scripture, right now anyway. But the point is there is an innumerable magnitude of divine help available right now, such that a little effort will yield a great harvest. The truth is, it isn’t always available in this way, but our generation has been chosen to enter into this dispensation. We cannot fail. The demands might seem high but it’s like a 3 year old who’s afraid to ride a bike with training wheels on - we quite simply cannot fall. And when we have stepped out of our comfort zones to press into this outpouring, we ourselves will be changed - from glory to glory.
So much wisdom and knowledge in this post—for us to grab speedily by faith! One thing for sure, I receive this grace and prophetic word readily available to us in this season. Thank you, brethren!