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Free Indeed | On cycles, patterns and covenants

Shedding light on some of the most pressing issues new covenant believers face in the progression of the faith.


This is one of those posts directed to the believer. If you’re wondering who this is - we belong to the Body of Christ, Jesus the firstborn of those enrolled in eternity, who is the wisdom and the power of God (1 Corinthians 1:24). Scripture gives us many details on the characteristics of a believer but we know for certain that the signs in Mark 16:17-18 must follow those who truly believe. With that said, lukewarmness is a dangerous condition some believers are assailed with, and the deeper I go into God I’ve come to understand his frustration with spiritual blandness (Rev 3:16) - it now frustrates me too. That’s what happens when you journey into God, we become Beasts bearing his burdens, with much pleasure because the gain far outweighs the burdens of an ordinary life. The truth is we are all Beasts carrying some sort of burdens, but only the burdens of God come with rest in this life and eternal life in the hereafter.

Honestly, as I write this, I desire that you pick up your bible from its resting place, and follow along. I write and speak by the spirit under the authority of scripture, and a good Berean Christian checks everything they hear and learn against scripture. This topic hits close to home for me, and as the eyes of my understanding and those around me have been enlightened (Ephesians 1:18), so I share with you.

The spiritual system of Time

I stumbled on the title verse in Hebrews during my set hours of bible study and meditation - usually as the last watch of the day gives way to the first watch of the night (~530-7pm).

For those unfamiliar with the “watches of the day and night”, it’s important to know that an understanding of time through heaven’s lens, can totally transform your prayer life and level of intimacy in fellowship with the spirit of God. The Living God is a King, and the first thing he showed the first medium of revelation of heavenly culture (Moses) is that his Kingdom is incredibly organized. Furthermore, the first organized system created in the “Earth Project” was Time; Day and Night - since we know God undertook various projects prior to the earth project.

In the days of Ancient Jewish culture, Day was identified by the 12 hours between 6am and 6pm, while the remaining 12 belonged to the night. Can I interject here and say that the number 12 biblically refers to “the government of God”? I won't digress towards Biblical Numerology, yet. For Jews, the first earthly custodians of Heavenly culture, the 12 hours on each side of day and night is were further grouped in threes, as is commonly associated with the Divine. It’s obviously hard not to get into Biblical numerology at this point, but maybe some other time. The point is that the day and night are made of 4 watches, split in 3s. Jesus adhered to them too, and I'm happy to point out where to find this info, if asked.

Crash Course on the first watch of the night:
  • The first watch of the night (6pm - 9pm) is perfect for study, unwinding, worship and intimate communion with God. Something about the beauty available when the skies burn as the sun gives way for the moon to shine, presents so much energy for personal fellowship with God.

  • I've noticed in study, that a lot of spiritual leaders and sensitive people have the most powerful encounters of heaven or the Son, while keeping this watch

  • It’s the time mortals unwind with wine and music, but for believers the Holy Spirit makes available new wine. Its something one must be sensitive enough to experience.

..And that summarizes divine knowledge and revelation more than you realize - it is often experienced first and then learned.

Time, ironically, and space will fail me to discuss the power available to us in prayer during the last 2 watches of the night (12am - 3am, 3am - 6am) and their differences.

But I will emphasize that even your local witch-doctor is aware of the most powerful times to do evil, so Christians must not be ignorant of the times to enforce good and override evil. "While men slept.." it is not an accident that the enemy sows (Matthew 13:25).

A fresh revelation

“One might even say that Levi himself, who receives tithes, paid tithes through Abraham, for he was still in the loins of his ancestor when Melchizedek met him.” - Hebrews 7:9-10

I read the title verse over and over, seemingly frozen, which happens when a download (read: revelation) is sweeping me over with . For context, I was on the second day of a 3-day protracted fast (my term for an unbroken fast) as instructed by the spirit of God whose voice (nudging, leadings) I have since learned, as one who scripture says “ reason of use, have exercised their senses to discern between good and evil” (Heb 5:14). This means that for 3 years since I found the conviction of my Faith, I have been practicing this faith, and learning to distinguish the voice of God from that of my past, my family, my flesh and the many adversaries of my soul. And the lessons of the spirit never end, they ever continue.

So now, being in this state of humility and complete emptiness in all-wise, as a fast intends, I knew this revelation was important. God comes strong when we are empty. Scripture says in our weakness is his strength; said otherwise, the strength of God can never rest on strength. It searches for weakness/emptiness. But let's not get too far ahead..

For weeks, God had been speaking to me about patterns I had identified in my family, in my own very saved life and quite frankly in the lives of so many believers and lukewarm Christians alike around me. The Body itself is split into two schools of thought, one which recognizes that generational or ancestral patterns and cycles can still exist in the lives of believers (the negative of those being attributed to Curses, and the positive to Blessings). The other school claim that because our Lord Jesus hung on that tree and became a curse for us, we can bear no more curses, now belonging to the bloodline of Jesus Christ. This belief is completely true, and yet absolutely false. Well how can a thing be both? Stick around Christianity long enough and you get used to these paradoxes.

Can I quickly segment truths from falsehood? - Indeed, the finished work of the Christ has worked complete freedom for us, but the enforcing of this freedom is the responsibility of every believer, which is where spiritual maturity comes in. Imagine a man in prison who has been granted freedom papers, but his lawyer never submits those documents to the proper agent - his captors - to enforce that judgement. That poor fellow will remain in prison longer than necessary, and in some places like my Motherland country, this very much happens in reality. After all, physical realities are but a cheap reflection of eternal spiritual realities.

Most of the school of believers that argue against curses being in existence, argue this from a New Testament perspective. And yet here was this New Testament verse telling me that indeed what Abraham did to Melchizedek in offering tithes, and the blessing he received, was attributed down to Levi (Abe’s great-grand-son) as though the act was performed by Levi himself, being “in Abraham’s loins”at the time of the deed.

Covenants and agreements

When Abraham paid tithes to this cryptic biblical King-Priest, Melchizedek (who is a type of Christ, Heb 7:17) the King of Salem (soon to be Jerusalem) blessed Abraham for the humble deed. Paul in Hebrews implies that Abraham’s 4th generation (at least) were blessed by this act, without their input. Now the Bible exists to teach the ways and knowledge of God, and so this verse in the New Testament, directed towards the church at that time, reestablished an Old Testament understanding that the actions of a bloodline can indeed impact generations, especially when those actions are in covenantal or will form. And both blessings and curses are consequences of the existence (the breaking or the keeping/renewal) of a Covenant. Have you noticed recurring cycles of rejection, disappointment, death, disease or setbacks in your life? Have you noticed similar patterns in your family, or limitations that seem to exist around what you can or can’t be - even as a believer? You might consciously or unconsciously be subscribed to an existing agreement.

A Covenant is an agreement usually under seal, especially for the performance of an action. While an agreement is harmony of opinion, action or character.

It is important to understand the words we read in the Bible, especially in terms of biblical definition which can sometimes differ from the secular meaning of a word. Even when the English translation rings true, you will be surprised what you find by looking up the definition of a word you even use often. That said, there is a false understanding that a covenant requires some sort of signature or vocal pledge. Not necessarily. In plain terms, we see that a covenant is an agreement and an agreement need only be an opinion, action or character that is in harmony between two parties. An alliance in actions or opinions is all that is needed to establish a covenant or agreement.

Time would fail me to begin to establish the Living God as a covenant keeping God, but any faithful Berean student will quickly gain that understanding. The fact that covenants trigger curses or blessings is made clear in Deuteronomy 27, where Moses lays out the impact of remaining in covenant God, and in chapter 28, where he lists the consequences of broken covenants (any covenant in general, really) - before pleading with the Israelites to choose life: where life is the adherence to a good covenant sponsored by a good God, and death is venturing outside those boundaries and into a covenant or agreement in word, thought or deed, with anything else. From this experience, and the title verse, we understand that we can enter covenants, or simply be covenanted by association.

It’s important to note that the principles of the spirit realm are very consistent, applicable even to things of Light and darkness. Believe me, the adversary of your soul, the devil and the things he promotes, only operate within legal boundaries established by God. Yes - but we also understand by the scriptures that our enemy’s greatest weapon is lies and deceit. These function as the “did God really say..?” experience like that of Eve, purposed to draw men outside of the boundaries of Gods protection, and into the legally accessible stronghold of evil. Darkness is not creative, it only perverts the principles established by Light.

Thus, the only real weapon of the gods of this world is perversion.

Covenants must be renewed

Whatever breaks the principles of God’s heavenly law breaks a covenant and automatically enters into agreement with the opposite. Depending on the sponsorship of that agreement, it may or may not easily be broken. In fact, most times ignorance is the demise of many believers because revelation is the first step to advancement. Believers place themselves on the same playing field as that one lukewarm friend who only prays sometimes but is doing pretty fine (it seems), not knowing what their own lives and destinies demand. Imagine a situation where 2 people commit sexual immorality: for one, they need only repent and ask forgiveness to be received into the family of God (this is grace). For the other, their bloodline made agreements with (for instance) marine spirits whose chief focus is actually enslavement through sexual immorality - often in exchange for control, earthly wealth and power. This second person also receives forgiveness, however the sinful actions which poured out from a stronghold in their hearts (meaning likely to reoccur) signify to wicked disembodied spirits, that there is a fine alignment to an existing covenant in their bloodline. Such actions signify the renewal of this covenant. These spirits lay hold of the legal ground (heaven is a courtroom, folks, mankind did not inspire any reality that doesn't exist in heaven) which that act-of-agreement presents to renew the covenant and continue their torment and control. And the cycle begins again.

The craziest part is that for lukewarm or momentarily struggling believers, these renewals can happen without permission, through dreams of night-feeding and sexual encounters. Understand that only the spirit of God knocks at the door of our hearts, even when he can barge in as he pleases, wherefore he says in Revelations “behold I stand at the door and knock..”. For rebellious spirits, they understand permission or agreement can be pre-received by the way you live your life. The spirit realm understands spiritual law very well.

In my study I also realized that our covenant with God must be renewed (or continued in), even - especially - the new covenant. here’s how God himself describes our New Covenant, speaking through the prophet Joel and referenced by Paul in Hebrews:

“not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt. For they did not continue in my covenant, and so I showed no concern for them, declares the Lord.

And furthermore:

For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws into their minds, and write them on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people." - Hebrews 8:9-10

Our God clearly educates us here, that a covenant can be entered into, broken or kept by what is in your heart and mind, which ultimately translates into action, wherefore he says “I will be their God, and they shall be my people” and we will know these people, because the laws of God will be planted in their minds and hearts, through the sacrifice and the power of the blood of Jesus to renew us - the essence of the new covenant. God is reiterating the fact that out of the heart flows the eventual actions of a man - for good or for evil.

One thing to note is that simply thinking about sin is not the same thing as doing it. But the Bible and human society makes it clear that thoughts bring us closer to reality. Our thoughts are very powerful.

What then is the way?

Quite simply, Jesus Is (Amen). He is the Way, and his life and death show us the way, and the Truth. Some of that truth is this:

• Our adversary the devil, is older than our ancestors. He knows the things that held them are the same things you are prone to, and these become our temptations. We don’t inherit only physical traits - blood is not new when we are born, but very old blood passed down. In this blood lies both physical tendencies and spiritual inheritances (especially of the flesh - because the flesh is actually spiritual system of warfare, not our meat-suit - Galatians 5:17).

This kind goeth not out..: In Matthew 17:19-21 we see the disciples who spent 3 years with God in human form, struggling with unbelief and who-knows-what other stumbling blocks in their hearts (I mean, hello Judas), to where they could not function in what they had learned with their minds. Changing the proclivities of our heart takes more than wishing really hard, or even studying scripture - it takes the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. And when we have received this spirit, walking in it putting away old things.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood (including our own flesh), but against principalities and powers of darkness; in high places." - Ephesians 6:12

This is New Testament revelation, and it is the warfare of every believer not an unlucky few with faulty (or pagan, idolatrous) foundations. But in the same breath, in Ephesians 6 Paul describes all we need to succeed as the whole armor of God, designed for the believer. It is one thing to memorize this armor, and yet another to truly put it on. This isn't something that you put on at new birth, and feel like you have arrived somewhere. Faith is practiced not learned.

"My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." - James 1: 2-4

There’s a reason scripture says “those who know their God shall be strong”. God himself describes the knowledge of Him as being in True covenant with Him (Heb 8:9-10). The entire aim of Jesus and the new covenant established with his blood is that we may know God. Speaking to us all, Jesus said that this knowledge of God is the full entirety of eternal life (John 17:3); this knowledge is the New Covenant. In this knowledge - which is not mental, but written in our hearts and flowing out in action (Matt 15:19) - is the strength of our warfare, and is what differentiates believer from believer in the day of evil.

PRAY: Ask God for a fresh revelation of eternal life. Express your desire for real and lasting change. Reinforce the Lordship of Jesus as governor of your life through the Holy Spirit. And recommit to the workings of your faith that are necessary to back it up.




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