Who loves an old book as much as I do? It excites me that knowledge can be handed down through inspired words.
In this season (see this post) God is calling his elect to empty ourselves, not just of food since a full belly is just the vessel that maintains everything else we have picked up on the journey of life. We are called to empty ourselves of everything that glorifies self. And it starts with turning down our plates.
When is God glorified?
“By this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit and so become my disciples” (John 15: 8)
Jesus made it clear that God’s desire for our entire lives is the fruitfulness he commanded at the Genesis. In the book of John, Jesus shares just how important this fruitfulness is - and the process behind it. Also in John 15 we learn:
“Every branch in me that does not bear fruit [the Father] takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he purges, that it may bear more fruit.”
And furthermore:
“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.”
To purge or empty ourselves is a command from the great Husbandman of the Vine himself, from God, for fruitfulness in our Christian lives. It is not an option - in farming or husbandry, only purging/pruning leads to maximum fruitfulness - and God does nothing half-baked. It is also clear that this purging, is to the end that more of the wisdom and power of God can abide in us.
I wish I could articulate briefly all the benefits of fasting, and how our bodies are consistently in death mode without a regular fasting practice. In a recent article I shared how the power of the Fast is like gravity - it works for everyone: witches, Muslims, doctors are even now entreating their patients to protracted (unbroken) fasts for days - with water, because that was good enough for Jesus to be clothed with the Holy Spirit and ready to start ministry (Luke 4:14), and honestly I believe this to be a much better fast than a fast without water. Water helps remove toxins that are very much removed from their strongholds in your body, as is taking place in your mind and spirit, during a christian Fast.
I always say: whatever hurts your body, can block your mind and mute your spirit. Whatever blocks your mind, can hurt your body and mute your spirit. Whatever.. ok, you get it
I use muteness to describe spiritual death, since spirits cannot actually die but they can be in a state of death. But I will allow Franklin Hall of the 1940s revival tell you just how fasting can change your life: body, soul and spirit. Full of scientific facts and spiritual wisdom, this book by one of the leaders of the impactful 1940s revival, is a must-read for every serious- minded Christian and definitely every spiritual leader.
About the Book:
The purpose of this volume is to popularize, perhaps one of the most downtrodden of all Biblical subjects, and assist in the author’s small way to reestablish this part of the Gospel, bringing it out in all its glorious aspects. We are dealing with a tremendous portion of the Word —able to open up an avenue to tremendous power and glory with JESUS for the mutual welfare of His body, and the bringing of a mighty last day revival. By the proper utilization of fasting, praying, crying and mourning for souls, and by going into the FASTING-PRAYER without a selfish motive, many pillars of the FAITH can pull together in this travail to such an extent that when tragedy, destruction, persecution, and the rest of the last-day signs approach us more closely, we will have at our disposal a most effective weapon to carry us through for the glory of Jesus.
It is NOT the purpose of this book, or any of the other articles on the sub- ject of fasting, to leave an impression that this practice is the Scriptural cure-all for spiritual, moral and bodily complaints. Emphasis is given the subject for the purpose of quickly enlightening God’s people who seem to be “falling away” from the old-time faith, and to prevent the unhappy drift towards modernism that is so sweeping the land.
We do not emphasize fasting for the purpose of bragging, or for such great merit that it would be boasting before our God, but we are pressing it forward with such tempo so that the children of the Bridegroom will become more quickly and fully prepared for the closing of this Holy Spirit dispensation.
- Franklin Hall, 1948
God is calling us to a fast that glorifies him, and the best part is that when we glorify God, our lives reflect that glory. This book will change what you think you know about the goings-on in your body and your spirit during a fast, hopefully helping many understand that what seems like punishment (through the dopamine colored lens which the gods of this world have set upon the eyes of many) is indeed Gods system of mercy and glory.
Let me know what you think!
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Note: Reading is the only sure way to knowledge that transforms, unlike the world and social mediums with dancing imagery and videos would have us believe. These other mediums actually serve to dumb the senses and reduce our ability for focus and depth. Reading more can help retain your ability to comprehend, even in old age.